On the night of the full moon at Sturgis several of the outlaw bike clubs got into it. A member from each club went to the hospital with knife wounds. A number of people were arrested.
It seems every time we go, the outlaw clubs get into it. The last time they had a shootout at the Custer State Park Campground.
For the most part they don't cause problems with the general public. And even have booths set up to try and improve thier image. Since they compete for territory the disputes usually are caused when one feels his area is being trespassed on.
I would like to make one thing clear here. They would like you to believe they are just good ol boys with a unique lifestyle. The truth is, there is a darkside to that lifestyle. Make no mistake about it. X.
You best be careful when you go around them. I know you are, but you never know.